Sunday, January 2, 2011

Extremly Painful Periods

Dearest Blog Award

love The Star-Child and the delightful Sugar I have the "Dearest Blog" Award. And I'm looking forward spotted! Honest! I am very happy if my blog is fun - but it is thought! : O)

I feel really honored to accept this award with pleasure and would like to pass it to the following, really gorgeous Blogs:

All three blogs are really very charming and full of fabulous recipes and ideas! You should definitely stop by! :-)

You were the Award and would like to pass it to?

Poste The Love Blog image and the guide (the text you are reading). You should also link to the blog of the person who gave you the award & they informed by the comment in her blog that you accept the award and the link you leave your posts as Award. Then you are thinking about you 3-5 favorite blogs that you link in your post and also the owner of each per comment - function will inform, that they have been tagged and here also the link angibst of the post, in which the declaration is.

love blogger: The aim of this action is that we bring unknown, good blogs to light, so I would ask you to post any blogs that have already 3,000 readers, but beginners and talented people, Although the blog has been a while, but still not quite known.


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