Saturday, August 7, 2010

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Rose family - Rosaceae


The meadowsweet is one of the herbs that I often use. It contains, as well as the white willow, salicylic acid compounds. The botanical name is Filipendula ulmaria. Back then they called this plant as "Spier perennial" or Spirea. This then is the word "aspirin" developed.

on the arrangement of the leaves can be seen that this is a rose plant. Grinds the leaves, displaying a special, often called "medical" described fragrance. The flowers smell very strong, honey-like.

I changed a few weeks in Ireland and the meadowsweet is considered as Celtic plant, I have them there especially take a close look and found it scattered in fields, but also in the vicinity of stone circles. I can imagine that people have used that time meadowsweet to drive gout and bone pain.

ingredients: essential oils, flavone, polyphenolic compounds, tannins, some mucus, salicylic acid compounds.
effects: analgesic, antipyretic, diuretic, diaphoretic
Application: for rheumatism, gout, colds

For headaches and / or a cold, I mix meadowsweet, elderflower and lime blossom in equal parts and prepare a tea from it.
Dosage: 2 teaspoons with 150 ml of boiling water, cover can be drawn on it and 7 minutes. drink several cups of hot as possible.
recently told me about an herbal friend that she Mädesüßblüten smoky and she experienced relief from headaches.

meadowsweet has nothing to do with a sweet girl. Formerly stood on the Mädesüßblüte
the list of ingredients for mead.

Meadow Queen is another popular name of this herb that I like very well. Looking at the flower on a closer, sees it like a crown and the plant is upright among them - how you imagine just a queen.

Side effects: None known. In Salicylsäureempfindlichkeit caution.

Essential oil: The plant is distilled together with rosemary. It smells strongly of 1.8-cineol most of the rosemary-but also for methyl salicylate, which is also included in the essential oil of wintergreen.


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