Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hazing Ideas Sororities

Amed - Diving in Bali

Amed is certainly one of the most beautiful places to relax in Bali, but it also offers the most varied dive sites Bali! Both beginners and advanced come here in Amed at their expense. When diving in Amed in Bali can dive in protected bays or flow carried away by the flow in a spectacular drift dive in the sea can be. In Bali it appears in the original coral gardens, species-rich in exciting steep drop-offs, in shipwrecks, or in Riffaufbauprogrammen untouched coral landscapes.
If you ask me about my favorite dive site in Amed and Bunutan, so I find an answer is not difficult: "It depends on what you want to see and experience." The dive sites in Bali around Amed and Bunutan are not only very good but also very Abwechsungsreich. Depending on the unmatched experience of the diver, diving in one of the requirement also applies to different circumstances and different flora and fauna, its biodiversity.

Japanese shipwreck

Location: Bay Banjuning - Bunutan. In the southeast of Amed about 20 minutes down the coastal road.

The Japanese Patrolienboot is certainly one is my favorite dive sites that can be visited depending on the daily changing conditions.

view :

between 10 and 35 meters. Depending on sediment inputs the view can be very good to be really poor in the wreck. In general, the view is best during the morning and the more one penetrates into the coral garden the better it can be.
One of my favorite dive sites in Bali is the Japanese ship wreck in Amed.

flow :

mild to severe, sometimes even changing Flow, which depends on the moon and tides. The flow direction can change in the decreasing slope of the coral garden and can be strong from pushing a point. Initially, the flow is along the coast, but can then be offshore. You should turn in any case in time!

On the picture you see a swarm of glassfish (Parapriacanthus ransonneti), who are in the Japanese ship wreck.

depth :

The Japanese Schiffsrack one dive at a depth of only 2 to 12 meters. It is ideal for the final safety stop after a dive, as there is a to discover wealth of species richness in Bali are.
Diving in Japanese shipwreck in Bali Amed by the diver is a great diversity of species. The wreck itself is located a few meters from the beach in a flow-protected bay. As early as three meters depth one can admire a large number of fish that have found here in the Japanese ship wreck their home. Here ftrifft you to leaf fish, crocodile fish and countless different slugs. When diving in Bali is the wreck is discovered thus perfect for a long and relaxed safety stop which is countless!

after dipping in the adjacent coral gardens will be found in about 13 meters depth a reside Gorgonienfan in which several Pygmee seahorses. Are the coral polyps of the open, it is not easy to find in it the well-camouflaged little seahorses.

The Japanese on the ship wreck in Bali subsequent coral garden is good to dive in 12 to 28 meters deep.

In the view of the bay is sometimes not perfect, but dipped into the breathtakingly beautiful and incredibly species-rich coral garden, so the visibility is generally good to very good. In the morning the view is usually the best and the flow at the softest. The flow can sometimes be quite strong and turn.
In good conditions you dive in 20 feet of water north and should turn around time depending on the flow conditions, when the flow begins to push, because the flow can be quite heavy after a certain point and then turns to the open sea. In quiet flow conditions appeared to her with a slight counter-flow or reverse flow even pleasant to the Japanese ship wreck. also snorkel the Japanese shipwreck in Bali is excellent. In the protected bay area that is directly reached from the beach, dipping into a stunning and rich in species Coral garden inside. Only a few meters from the beach, you then can find the 20 meter long Japanese Patrorolienboot in shallow coral garden on 3 to 12 meters deep. The boat is beautifully covered with hard and soft corals and countless colorful sponges. Today we can see a large number of colorful tropical fish, snails and thread worms, Porzelanschnecken. Conclusion:
This site offers an abundance of marine life that divers can imagine being in a huge saltwater aquarium.

Gili Selang and Batu Kseni


Gili Selang is reached by the fishing village of Batu Kseni - south of Amed. Ca. 25 minutes drive to the wonderful panoramic coastal road down towards Ujung can rent in the village and a local fishing boat. A buoy should definitely not be forgotten!

Selang Gili is a very small coastal barrier island of Bali. Permanent since a slight to very strong current prevails, the dive sites are around the island once received , but suitable only for experienced divers. The flow here comes from two different directions, and these currents meet each other here, sometimes quite violently, so that in some places small washing machines arise and one wonders why the air bubbles to flow downward rather than rise to the surface. With an experienced dive guide them in this area dive sites are for sure!
The dive Gili Selang it is actually different dive sites. Gili Selang myself and a few other lesser-known dive sites around the island are certainly some

of the most wonderful "Shark Lights" this area for diving in Bali and Amed. Since these dive sites are still not well known, the corals are preserved beautifully! Diving takes place in a veritable underwater paradise. And maybe this area but if I'm honest my favorite diving area in Bali.

view: The view is the peak season usually always very good! With visibility of 25 meters or more can look good on the field. In the rainy season can cause Sedimenteinschwemmungen, but even then the visibility is usually over 15 meters.


are at this site several different dives with different requirements is possible.

first If you dive in Gili Selang in the coral garden, so this is very low and the diver reached a depth of about 10 meters. On the edge of the coral garden is a sandy slope from where it is possible to obtain depth. However, eight straight here on current.

second It is possible with good flow conditions with experienced divers around the island emerge. The slope falls to great depths. In general, it dived to around 20 to 25 meters deep. Since you can easily meet here on a downward flow of action in each case with care and an experienced guide to accompany the dive in any case. It is important to be very good in the air consumption!


The flow can be quite easy to excellent. In general, the meeting point of two streams. A flowing with the stream flows south Bali, and another is usually colder flow from south to north. If both currents are present, is a relaxed diving in the coral garden no problem. If the current from flowing to the north, however, one should learn to be in current diving, or remain in any case in shallow coral gardens, the flow is usually free.

and sometimes a rather strong current is found, you should only dive if one really knows the area or has a good instructor at your side who knows here. The coral gardens are still intact and it appears here in Bali down into some of the most fascinating underwater landscapes.

Conclusion: dive sites around Gili Selang - A dream with obstacles!


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