Sunday, April 25, 2010

Converting Dryer Into Coin Op

Diving in Bali - Tulamben

Amed Scuba - Bali recommended by guests in TaucherNet . Follow this link to see more photos of buffalo herds head, manta rays, turtles, mackerel shoals, slugs and more.

Diving in Tulamben in Bali you meet one of the most beautiful shipwrecks in Asia. The U.S.. Liberty Ship wreck diving in Tulamben to find in the northeast of Bali. During the Second World War, the U.S.. Transport ship torpedoed by the Japanese. Too fast the cargo compartment was full and it was not possible to bring the crew the ship to Singaraja in the then capital of the island. Without loss of the ship was in Tulamben on the northeast coast of Bali is set to land and unload. On the beach of Tulamben was the U.S.. Liberty back to 1963, the lava of the volcano Agung the heavily corroded wreck spĆ¼hlte into the sea, where it is today and one of the best dive spots on Bali is. If a diver to Bali, he should be diving in Tulamben in the U.S.. Liberty missed the wreck can not. After more than 47 years in the water is the 120m long ship wreck, the deck is down to the sea, covered beautifully and offers a home for many fish. This includes the huge mackerel group often flies over the ship wreck in Tulamben or solitary giant barracuda live the Liberty in Tulamben.

I always try to be early morning wreck, because the light is particularly beautiful - just the view! The morning is usually also possible large herds of buffalo head parrot fish to admire the ship wreck. Nocturnal animals walk slowly to the resting place of the diurnal animals and make their search for food. has Another great advantage is early morning in the Liberty in Tulamben to dive since the great diving schools Bali usually start at 9 clock on the ship wreck, because they have to drive from Sanur or Kuta after Tulamben. Amed Scuba has the advantage of a short arrival in Bali, there is only 20 minutes from Amed Tulamben away.

diving in Bali, especially in the area of Amed and Tulamben prepares incredible joy and there is so much new to discover when diving in Bali.

AMED will accompany you SCUBA diving in Bali.


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