Yoga in Bali
Amed Scuba - Bali offers with the help of our wonderful Padi Instructor Victoria Kleynhans yoga classes in Amed. Viki teaching Classical Hatha Yoga. She learned and made her first teaching experience in India in Nashik district in Maharashtra in 2006 and taught for years in Bali and Yoga Diving.
Yoga is more than a sport, it is healthy and improves body awareness and quality of life, thus ensuring a good life! People who move focus and breathe consciously strengthen not only their bodies but also ensure a balance of the body with mind and soul. In yoga, the first thing, their own bodies and therefore themselves to feel aware. The exercises you try this movement with the body to perceive consciously and focus on the moment. Yoga helps create a balance in people and has influence not only on the physical level but also brings the mental, emotional and mental People opt wider area in line with it. In addition to the yoga just deepens the diving around this feel-good feeling because his body is under water so much more intense spührt and his own breathing exercises consciously. In addition to the yoga and scuba diving, there is also plenty of time to the wonderful Balinese culture to experience and indulge in massages.
To get you in hot Viktoria various postures, such as the various Yogahaltu nts in India. Thus creating more awareness through yoga, including breathing, which ultimately will also benefit from the dive. For a combination of asanas with pranayama, the breathing exercises as hot acting positions on the entire body. Numerous studies demonstrate the effective prevention of diseases by yoga, but yoga also helps us to relax and the body, mind and spirit to regenerate. For the gentle exercises, the asanas and pranayama affect the internal organs and muscles that are supplied with blood any better.
Yoga has its origin in Hinduism and is closely connected with religion and culture. Already more than 4000 years emerges, the term yoga in the sacred Hindu scriptures and to Bali Yoga is often practiced in addition to meditation, to let the body be more concentrated. The asanas are only one part of yoga complex. Yoga is a spiritual discipline in which the Asanas should enable the body in a position to practice the more advanced parts such as the spiritual meditation, to finally come to the knowledge. In 4000 years, developed many different yoga traditions. Many of today's styles back to the Indian scholar Patanjali, who lived about 2000 years ago and high on mindfulness in yoga thought. Awareness are to be achieved through yoga to rest.
To find this peace and understanding in yoga and meditation, have evolved over time, various yoga herausgebieldet practices that are now even more individually tailored to the practitioner according to his needs. In the beginner course, the basic yoga positions but also dynamic exercise series like the sun salutation in addition to breathing exercises, which are also ideal for diving, taught and practiced.
Victoria learned, practiced and taught by the already formed in the Middle Ages out Hatha yoga. It is very physical and is the most commonly applied practice of yoga in the West. It is not important to be particularly athletic or articulated, even if instructions to let the suspect often asanas.
Who would like to try yoga, should simply take a trial class at Victoria.
Did you have any questions about scuba diving or yoga, Viki and Amed Scuba help you like your holiday interesting to make.
The Prei for a yoga class (90 minutes) at 100,000 IRP (1 euro equals approximately the time 12.000IDR)
your Victoria reached at mail: