Thursday, July 16, 2009

Labeled Car Parts Diagram

coral reefs form one of the most important ecosystems of our planet by both towards the open sea and against the country more or less delineated ecological entity with its own material and energy flow . form
It is the existence of the species-rich biosphere of our earth - in the estimated one million species are bound to the reef, a pronounced lack of nutrients and space for the animals to. This scarce vital resources have to be shared here living organisms. This makes the reef so wonderful diverse and sensitive one.
The coral reef is a coral hermatypical mainly on an area of about 600.000km2 built structure. This reef is so large that it significantly affects the ecological factors of its environment. The consistency of the reef is sufficiently strong to withstand the oncoming waves and protect the coastline from erosion. The reef structure significantly influenced the composition of their communities by providing a diverse and characteristic indented space for specifically adapted to this reef reef inhabitants. For the different reef areas offer their respective communities different populations, all relevant environmental factors in order to colonize it and thus form their habitat.
The delicate coexistence in coral reef depends on the respect of many inter-relationships of organisms from one another, as the creature in such a community or biological community in a very strong mutual dependence of one another and depend on the life and behavior of these .
coral reefs can be found almost exclusively between 30 ° north and 30 degrees south latitude. This raises the question of what factors limit the coral reefs just in this area? The complexity and variability of the coral reef habitats are of a considerable variety of abiotic and biotic conditions identified that limit the coral reefs in certain areas of the earth. As limiting reef growth to show, especially the temperature, light intensity and salinity of the water, affecting the lime synthesis and coexistence of reef-building corals and their living in symbiosis with algae.
Although a coral reef is to be a nutrient-poor (oligotrophic) habitats, photosynthesis supplies within the limits of the reef, the amount of organic carbon, which is to maintain all living organisms required. For despite the scarcity of nutrients have coral reefs one of the highest primary production rates in all natural ecosystems. This is a more or less closed system. To minimize loss of nutrients are bound in the reef as many ingredients in the biomass of reef organisms. Therefore, one should not remove any parts from the coral reef ecosystem, since all are required in the nutrient-poor habitat for the reconstruction! Also, the coral reef ecosystem requires a positive nutrient balance. Organic nutrients are mostly of the reef community and immediately recycled into the material cycle involved. Therefore, a coral reef is characterized by permanent processes of assembly and disassembly. Primary producers that provide the needed positive mass balance, are the autotrophic zooxanthellae, which live together with the reef-building corals in an endogenous symbiosis.
More information can be found in the website of Amed Scuba in Bali. As a biologist I can tell you not only theoretically give the same information, but you dive together and watched the spot in the coral reefs of Bali.


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