Saturday, June 6, 2009

What Should I Wear Tickling

diving in Bali

immersed in a world full of exotic, far away from the hectic everyday life, where you can relax let your body, mind and soul! BALI Here everyone finds his place to dreams, his gateway to happiness. Surrounded by a landscape enchanted with a variety of colorful flower arrangements, essential scents emanating and unusual sounds. A paradise on earth for rest and relaxation seekers.
dip in the turquoise blue ocean and into a Rifflandschaft full of colors and shapes! Weightlessness surrounds you, silence and you hear only your heart rate and your breathing. Immersion for all the senses and mind, body and bring soul. Diving in Bali means above and below water immersed in a world full of exoticism. Here you are sure to find your Place to dream.
Relax under water and be pampered by one of dominant species and abundance of forms. And dive in Bali relaxed along steep walls, wrecks or in species-rich coral gardens and train your body simultaneously. Apparently quite casually and without much effort to make your body back in shape. Through movement, water resistance and regulation of body temperature, a heavy man consumes about 80 kg during a one-hour dive about 600 calories. In addition, come by the hydrostatic pressure and circulation and metabolism better swing and without burdening the joints such as jogging. A gentle sport for body and the colorful coral and schools of fish a relaxation for the soul. The depth also has an additional positive effect on the shapes of the body. The tissue of the body is purified and toned, yet it calls for the elimination of the water body. Therefore, one should always keep in mind before and after the dive to drink. The so-called Taucherdiurese stimulated the increased water excretion. It is caused by an increased blood pressure stream in the chest, the stimulation of the kidneys with the result. It tightens and detoxifies the body.
The sea water full of algae like a Thalasso - treatment, where the sea water as pH-neutralizing and antibacterial effect, thereby acting in skin impurities.


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