Saturday, June 6, 2009

What Happens When You Dont Use A Condom

reef protection is fun!

The wealth of healthy oceans provide great service to humanity and essential services. Here people find not only food available to the marine animals, climate change due to the CO2 storage capacity of the coral, disaster related by protecting the coastline from erosion by offshore coral reefs intact but the medicine and stimulate new technologies in coral reefs. Regions with particularly high species diversity as our coral reefs have only from a medical point of view a value of 6000 U.S. dollars per hectare Many of the currently active pharmaceutical ingredients are of marine origin. in particular, sponges and other invertebrate animals can be agents for cancer and Alzheimer's disease, but also find new antibiotics. Corals have a natural sunscreen by substances they secrete, they have a very high sun protection factor, or shells, which helped to hold on to their underground of Medicine by by their adhesive for wound closure and healing of bone fractures using. But still no one knows which are related to unforeseen chances in the coral reef yet. Unfortunately, however, we are in danger, even before we have to explore everything to lose many species.
Intact coral reefs are nurseries of future large fish. In one study observed the WWF at 274 marine species, however, already a massive decline of more than 25% since 1970. Especially the stocks of large fish such as tuna, marlin, swordfish, shark or cod are gone by around 90% back, which is certainly also lead to the overfishing of the seas back.

One of the main benefits of coral reefs, the coastal protection. Intact coral reefs act as natural surf breakers and protect the coastline from erosion. The value of this service, estimates the WWF is alone at 9 billion dollars per year.
seas are able to bind high amounts of carbon dioxide and thereby stabilizing the Climate greatly! Without biological activity in the oceans of the carbon dioxide concentration would be higher in the atmosphere 50%. This service value, which is really priceless, is estimated only 0.5 to 10 billion euros per year. Global warming and acidification of the oceans by the increased carbon dioxide emissions are destroying the coral reefs. Especially in coral, shells and snail shells are, however, from lime, which dissolves when the carbon dioxide increased in the air in the resulting carbon dioxide. In the sea-bound carbon dioxide would go back into the atmosphere and accelerate global warming. The resulting rising sea temperatures have to turn in the wake of the seas lack Kohlenstoffdioxidbindung episode. A catastrophic cycle!
Numerous examples also show that saving just the protection of the oceans can be significantly more money than their destruction. In Bunaken - National Marine Park in Sulawesi, or also in Menjangan National Park in Bali , where fishermen have earned earlier money with dynamite fishing and Zyankalifischerei and thus have a massive destruction of the coral reefs, is now eco-tourism operation, and fishing is prohibited here. Employees in the tourism but earn significantly more. While a fisherman earns about $ 44 a month, an employee in tourism in the 144th section - earn U.S. dollars a month.

Christian Neubauer of WWF International Center for Marine Conservation in Hamburg says: "We have more than a moral duty to preserve the biodiversity of the oceans, mankind is dependent on intact oceans. You are a Eckfeiler of economic development and poverty alleviation, your protection is cheaper by far than the costs of their destruction. "

Enchanting the rain forests of the sea are not only by their colors and For Preheat, they also offer a wide variety of species. Coral reefs are the rain forests next to the largest producer of oxygen the earth, through their symbiotic algae. But coral reefs also prevent the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide in their Kalkgehäuse thing that holds the global warming. Due to the pollution more and more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, the oceans absorb carbon dioxide and this prevents the Kalkneubildung because the sea is the Kohlenstoffdioxidanreicherung becoming more acidic. In addition to this climate to preserve the coral reefs provide food, medicine and the coasts from erosion. Our Earth is dependent on intact coral reefs, so we have to protect.

deep-sea measurements show the warming of the seas! Measurements in the Indian Ocean, the Antarctic Reserch Center performs show a significant rise in water temperature by more than 0.55 degrees Celsius over the period of 1962 nd 1987th This increase in sea temperature has on the one hand the melting of polar ice caps and the effect on the other the rise in temperature leads to heat-induced expansion of the water by more than 2.5 cm.

All over the world - through the dramatic changes in coral reefs, the marine biologists who claim that on the rising water temperatures - as for us to Bali. Coral bleaching occurs, inter alia, when the symbiotic zooxanthellae leave the coral their host and not provide him with oxygen and carbohydrates. This symbiotic Algae are very sensitive to rising water temperatures, and produce toxins. As a result, they repel their coral symbionts, but may not even survive in the long run, if not return the zooxanthellae.

With the protection of the oceans can also earn money, because tourism helps create jobs, and thus creates an awareness for the preservation of this important resource for the locals, the coral, for example, as building material.

tourists should be careful not to take any seafood from the ocean. Vibrant and dead corals, Gorgonienfächer, shells or other marine animals have a major impact on the delicate ecological balance of the nutrient-poor coral ecosystem.

protecting the seas and removed anything from the sea and no marine products bought as a souvenir!

reef protection in Bali

especially scuba divers have to be very careful because some of their equipment and can contribute to reef conservation:
is important to first secure buoyancy! Through secure control of the lift force to damage the coral can often . Avoid Many a time will cause damage to the coral reef by divers control their buoyancy is not sufficient to sink too fast on the descent while falling on corals.
Make sure that your vote weights and you have not placed too much lead. If you überbleit, your feet sink down and can thereby hurt corals.
learning to balance the buoyancy force, by relaxing under water, slowing her breathing rhythm.
Only dive in the coral reef when they are practiced in it.
If you are not immersed long time, they may experience difficulties in the buoyancy out of practice. Take your time to take a refresher dive with your instructor before you go into the reef. The refresh should take place at a point where you do not destroy corals.
eighth When photographing sure that you do not strike against coral, while you focus on an object you wish to photograph.
Check that your drags depth and pressure gauge is not along the ground, where it can destroy corals.
If you dive under overhangs or in caves along the way in, so be sure to allow sufficient distance, because you also have a tank on the back. Avoid crowded in tight spaces.
air bubbles rise in caves up to and collect in the recesses of the cave roof, where they suffocate the organisms that live there in the exhaled air literally.
you driving around collecting plastic and other waste from the coral gardens, as this waste can smother the coral polyps.
Help with the coral clean of algae overgrowth.
Do not remove the coral garden living organisms from the sea.
divers can help the health of reefs and other coastal ecosystems monitoring. If you want to make a diving vacation, consider whether you can attend one of the monitoring projects undertaken for active reef conservation be.

coral bleaching in Bali

When diving in Bali can be seen that coral bleaching already in evidence. Along the northeast coast of Bali, the most beautiful coral reefs are an enormous variety of species. From Permuteran in Buleleng to Amed Karangasem can be observed in a rapid progression of coral bleaching. Urgent action is needed in order to avert the worst impacts on coral reefs of Bali, reports the Indonesian group of the Reef Check Indonesia Foundation (Rcif).
The progress of coral bleaching, particularly in the area around Amed must be determined. About 40% of hard corals are affected vegetation in the area. In contrast, Tulamben, which is about 15 minutes from Amed away, it appears that only about 10% of hard corals stand to be affected by coral bleaching.
Rcif has called for a six-point plan to minimize destruction of the coral. Main cause of coral bleaching is first of all, the increased water temperature, which in Bunutan in November Riffrand at 33 ° C and was already at 10m depth at 30 ° C. While coral bleaching proceeds are on average temperatures between 29 ° C and 30 ° C in the reefs around Amed reported.
The coral specialist Naneng Seiasih, project director of the Rcif says the progression of coral bleaching requires cooperation, and its impact to manage.
Nineteen species of hard corals and four species of soft corals have been identified as affected and four other species of hard corals are partially affected.
The six-point plan provides:
A more rigorous management of protected areas to prevent destruction of corals and prevent.
Destructive fishing methods such as poison to blow up or be banned.
algae from dead coral removed, so that they can rejuvenate themselves.
make sure to reduce the feeding of herbivorous fish or prohibit entirely, because they clean the coral from algae proliferating on it.
The divers will be trained better (eg by better buoyancy) to minimize contact with the corals.
volontiers are looking to monitor the reefs and send reports to Reef Check.

An investigation of the hard corals in South Bali Ngurah Rai international airport along in 2005 showed that even 75% of the tested hard corals are affected by coral bleaching. A further investigation the following year noted that there is no soft corals in the area ceased to exist. Rcif said, Indonesia was affected in various ways by the global phenomenon of mass coral bleaching in 1997-98. Reportedly were ultimately half of the hard corals affected. The Bali Barat National Park were of coral bleaching 100 % Of corals affected. To Gili Islands in Lombok affected the coral bleaching about 90% of the area. Elsewhere the influence coral bleaching in the coral Seribu National Park in the east and in Kilimantans Karimunjawa, where 50-60% of the coral died.
are also high, the economic costs of Riffzerstörung. The Riffzerstörung has financial losses in the fishing industry and tourism to the episode.
A report indicates that if there is one other coral death in the next 50 years in Southeast Asia, with financial losses amounting to 38 trillion U.S. dollars at arithmetic.
Rising water temperatures are certainly a cause of coral bleaching in some areas. Some specialists predict that after having studied the tolerance ranges of coral bleaching over the last 100 years, which will enter the 2020 coral bleaching an annually recurring phenomenon.
In Bali coral reefs are a critical economic area, both for tourism and for the fishing industry. Shown to tourists spend less in areas with coral degeneration and reduced coral cover also reduces the number of fish. One study suggested that the destruction of the coral cover has more than 10 percent reduction in the fish population of an area by 62 percent lead. "We can not prevent global warming, but together can we reduce the impact on nature and people, "says Naneng Setiasih at the press conference in Denpasar, where the results of the study Rcif have been announced. She continues, a first step should be to protect the local reefs by reducing other stresses and thereby reached the reef to strengthen further against fading. The various sectors of society must concern the management of fisheries to tourism sector. Bali is developing a marine conservation area and many of the eco-friendly tourism operators to help reduce the pressure on our reefs by eliminating the Korallenraubbau to use buoys instead of anchors for the boats and organize clean-up operations. Zoning was an area of reef management and technical assistance can accelerate the recovery of the reef can be used. According to the social order they must continuously into a network of activities to be tailored to promote the scientific evidence which supports the identification of coral resistance and resilience, and which supports the development of marine conservation management.
The company says they already receive support from government and non-government organizations (NGO's). Government programs support the Rifferforschung and reconstructive measures. Bali's Ministry of Marine Affairs and help for fishing industry would like further information by send straight through the media and community groups.
NGOs, and universities in Bali such as the Mitra Bahasa Conservatory are united in a partner project that focuses on the management of coastal and marine resources, they are partners in the government project, which organized a research group that the coral reef development in will explore the context of global warming out. The Indonesian Marine Tourism Association of Bali will be committed to sustainable tourism and integrate the tourism industry in the collection of data on coral bleaching with. As far as the world Koservierungsgesellschaft and the Bahtera Nusantar company wants to make the case for the project.

(Bali Post 2009)

involved with this reef protection, the dive school AMED SCUBA in Bali

What Should I Wear Tickling

diving in Bali

immersed in a world full of exotic, far away from the hectic everyday life, where you can relax let your body, mind and soul! BALI Here everyone finds his place to dreams, his gateway to happiness. Surrounded by a landscape enchanted with a variety of colorful flower arrangements, essential scents emanating and unusual sounds. A paradise on earth for rest and relaxation seekers.
dip in the turquoise blue ocean and into a Rifflandschaft full of colors and shapes! Weightlessness surrounds you, silence and you hear only your heart rate and your breathing. Immersion for all the senses and mind, body and bring soul. Diving in Bali means above and below water immersed in a world full of exoticism. Here you are sure to find your Place to dream.
Relax under water and be pampered by one of dominant species and abundance of forms. And dive in Bali relaxed along steep walls, wrecks or in species-rich coral gardens and train your body simultaneously. Apparently quite casually and without much effort to make your body back in shape. Through movement, water resistance and regulation of body temperature, a heavy man consumes about 80 kg during a one-hour dive about 600 calories. In addition, come by the hydrostatic pressure and circulation and metabolism better swing and without burdening the joints such as jogging. A gentle sport for body and the colorful coral and schools of fish a relaxation for the soul. The depth also has an additional positive effect on the shapes of the body. The tissue of the body is purified and toned, yet it calls for the elimination of the water body. Therefore, one should always keep in mind before and after the dive to drink. The so-called Taucherdiurese stimulated the increased water excretion. It is caused by an increased blood pressure stream in the chest, the stimulation of the kidneys with the result. It tightens and detoxifies the body.
The sea water full of algae like a Thalasso - treatment, where the sea water as pH-neutralizing and antibacterial effect, thereby acting in skin impurities.